Revive Pet

When you buy a Pet, your Pet will have a lifespan of 5 days. To extend the lifespan of your Pet, users can do the following:

  • Buy food and drinks at the Shop using Mar3 Tokens

  • Participate in Lucky Spin to receive food and drink items

  • Complete Social Missions to earn food and drink items

The better you take care of your Pet, the longer it will live. This is important because the lifespan of your Pet will affect your farming activities.

However, there is a chance that your Pet will run out of lifespan. We understand this, so we have created a Pet Revive mechanism.

When your Pet runs out of lifespan, you can use MPET to revive it. When the resurrection is successful, your Pet will retain its level and its lifespan will be restored to 5 days.

Please pay attention to the remaining lifespan of your Pet to ensure that your farming activities continue smoothly.

Last updated